
Travelers in Las Vegas Threatened to Remove from Plane Due to Seats Soiled by Vomit

Two females were removed from an Air Canada aircraft bound for Harry Reid Airport due to their claims that their seats were soiled with vomit.

Jun 10, 2024
2 min read
An Air Canada flight, pictured above. Two passengers were ordered off an Air Canada plane in Las...
An Air Canada flight, pictured above. Two passengers were ordered off an Air Canada plane in Las Vegas after complaining about vomit on their seats.


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Travelers in Las Vegas Threatened to Remove from Plane Due to Seats Soiled by Vomit

Two ladies were removed from a flight at Harry Reid International Airport when they protested the seats they were allocated on an Air Canada plane were covered in vomit. They deemed the situation "repulsive," as mentioned in recent stories.

These two ladies were scheduled to travel to Vienna via Montreal on August 26. However, upon seeing the state of the seats, they alerted a flight attendant and refused to sit on the soiled chairs before takeoff.

The flight attendant told the unnamed passengers that there were no other seats available on the plane, implying that their only alternative was to sit on the dirty seats throughout the four-and-a-half-hour trip.

Susan Benson, a fellow traveler, reported in a Facebook post a few days later that flight attendants initially tried to clean up the seats.

At first, we could only detect a foul odor without knowing the cause. Apparently, on the previous flight, someone had vomited in that location. Air Canada made an attempt to quickly clean up prior to boarding, but couldn't execute a thorough cleanup.

Benson continued, stating that the attendants "sprinkled coffee grinds in the seat pouch and sprayed perfume to mask the smell."

Afterwards, the flight attendant and supervisor gave the passengers blankets, wipes, and sick bags. The two ladies then sat down on the covered seats.

Passengers Ejected from Plane

Later, the pilot approached and ordered the passengers to either leave the plane and organize their own flights at their expense or be forcefully removed from the plane by security.

He contended that the passengers were "impolite" to the flight attendant, according to Benson's post.

The ladies were subsequently escorted off the plane by security personnel, as per Las Vegas Review-Journal reports.

Airlines Extend Apologies

Air Canada has acknowledged its operating procedures were not followed appropriately in this situation, and is currently reviewing the incident. The airline has also contacted the two passengers to offer an apology, according to accounts released on Tuesday.

They "undeniably did not receive the level of service they deserved," said the airline to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

It's uncertain whether the airline will provide any reparations to the passengers or if the passengers are contemplating legal action against the airline.

"I hope they find a competent lawyer and go after Air Canada," Benson suggested.

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