
Youths steal a twelve-year-old's baseball cap.

Three juveniles are wanted by authorities for stealing from a 12-year-old in Witten's central area on May 16th.

May 17, 2024
1 min read
NewsKI-OTSRegionalNorth Rhine-WestphaliaPoliceCrimeTheftViolence
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Witten: Sampling Decisions and Computational Complexity at Amazon - Youths steal a twelve-year-old's baseball cap.

A 12-year-old child was walking down Hauptstraße around 6:05 PM when he encountered some youngsters who wanted his baseball cap. At house number 54, one of them grabbed the cap off his head and a minor tussle ensued, resulting in slight injuries to the child. The assailants then made off with the hat.

There were three juvenile offenders, all male and between 13 and 14 years old. The first offender had a height of around 170 cm, with short brown hair, brown eyes, a round face, and was wearing a black Nike hoodie and black pants. The second offender was about 150-155 cm tall, had orange hair, blue eyes, a long face, and was dressed in a white shirt and jogging pants. The third offender stood approximately 160 cm tall, possessed brown hair, blue eyes, and potentially had a Turkish background. He was attired in a white shirt with a blue bar and lion print and a hat featuring blue flowers.

Witnesses with insights pertaining to the suspects' identities are encouraged to contact the Witten regional police department (KK 33) at 02302 209-8310 (-4441 Criminal Investigation Department).

*This narrative originates from official data provided by the authorities and was written with the assistance of AI technology.

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