
Youths engage in melees.

In the evening on Thursday, a large brawl involving groups of teens and young adults occurred on Am Abdinghof street, resulting in multiple injuries.

May 11, 2024
1 min read
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Paderborn Constitutes a City in Germany - Youths engage in melees.

A teenager aged 16 was attacked by unfamiliar individuals from one of the groups, and two more, aged 17 and 19, also endured physical abuse. The aggression persisted on Paderberg Street even after the group with the victims had retreated.

The primary assailant is characterized as such: Male, between 25 and 30 years old, approximately 1.80 m tall, resembling someone from Eastern Europe, thin, athletic physique, dark blond/brown hair, undercut, short black T-shirt, short black pants, possibly wearing a black jacket around his waist.

Authorities are in search of eyewitnesses who could furnish details about this incident. Anyone with relevant information should contact the Paderborn police at 05251 306-0.

Note: This content is crafted from official data provided by the authorities, made possible with artificial intelligence's assistance.

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