
Young Man Assaulted by Robbers

Two unidentified men assaulted and stole from a 23-year-old individual at the Karolinenstraße stop in Essen-Rüttenscheid on May 15th.

May 15, 2024
1 min read
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Edibles - Young Man Assaulted by Robbers

A young guy was strolling down Müller-Breslau-Straße when all of a sudden two men popped up in front of him. They walloped his face, which made him tumble to the ground. They then pummeled him and rummaged through his trousers to grab his wallet and a bunch of keys. After that, the bad guys scurried off in the direction of Sylviastrasse.

One of the potential wrongdoers is around 1.85 meters tall to 1.90 meters tall, has a sturdy build and a dark beard. He was sporting a dark top. The second person is around 1.80 meters tall to 1.85 meters tall, slender, also has a beard and was wearing a hoodie with white lettering. The 23-year-old had only moderate injuries and was transported to the hospital.

People who noticed anybody acting shady around Müller-Breslau-Straße, Sylviastraße or Karolinenstraße, or who have details about what happened, are urged to call the Essen police at 0201/829-0 or email [email protected].

This information was derived from official sources and was assisted by AI.

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Source: symclub.org


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