
Young man aged 23 sustains critical injuries at city park.

A young man aged 23 suffered severe injuries in the park of Oer-Erkenschwick on May 17 following an assault by multiple unidentified individuals.

May 18, 2024
1 min read
NewsNorth Rhine-WestphaliaViolenceRegionalKI-OTSPoliceCrime
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Oer-Erkenschwick: A German town - Young man aged 23 sustains critical injuries at city park.

A witness described how a man from Oer-Erkenschwick was severely injured on his upper body with a dangerous tool. The victim was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Authorities are urging anyone with suspicious observations or information about the assailants to contact 0800 2361 111.

This text is a rephrased version of the original and was written very casually to sound interesting and engaging. 1:

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