
Young assailants steal from and assault two individuals.

During the transition from Friday to Saturday evening, two individuals were assailed and deprived of their belongings by a trio of assailants in the town of Nordheim am Main, Kitzingen area.

May 13, 2024
1 min read
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Nordheim Located on the Main River - Young assailants steal from and assault two individuals.

Around midnight on Escherndorfer Weg, close to a wine festival, a 15-year-old boy was approached by two people who asked him for change. The teenager went to find the change, but two more individuals swooped in and grabbed the relatively small amount of money from him before hitting him slightly. The perpetrators then escaped towards the town center.

Not long after, the same assailants approached an 18-year-old man at the crossroads of Kreuzbergstraße and Langgasse. They demanded money while he was on the phone. The young man initially resisted, but was ultimately caught by the criminals and beaten. The thieves then stole both money and valuable items valued at a modest three-digit sum and left. The 18-year-old had to be hospitalized for his injuries.

The three suspects in this crime have been described as:

1st offender: has a southern appearance, a dark beard, black hair, a strong build, around 170 cm tall, and was wearing a black sweater and black jogging pants.

2nd offender: stands at approximately 180 cm, has wavy hair, a black sweater, and black jogging pants.

3rd offender: was donning a gray zip sweater and black jogging pants.

The Würzburg Police Department is urging the public for assistance in solving this case and is encouraging anyone with information or who may have been a witness to call 0931/457-1732.

This text was written with artificial intelligence and includes information provided by the authorities.

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