
Witnesses sought for fire in the backyard

A blaze erupted in the early hours of May 18, 2024, in the backyard of an apartment complex on Weißenburger Straße in Landau, located near Schloßstraße.

May 18, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimeVandalismKI-OTSRegionalRhineland-PalatinatePoliceFire department
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Landau - an edited version: Paraphrased: Landau - reworked expression: A alteration of Landau: Adjusted version of Landau: Rewritten description: Landau. - Witnesses sought for fire in the backyard

A fire erupted near a building in Ludwigshafen, but it was quickly contained before spreading further. No one was hurt and the building remained unscathed. Authorities believe the blaze could have been intentionally started, and the Ludwigshafen criminal investigation department is now investigating the incident. They're seeking any information that might help solve the case from anyone who managed to witness the incident. To share details, you can contact the Ludwigshafen criminal investigation department at 0621 963-2773 or email them at [email protected].

Note: This text is a recreation of the original information.

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