
Where can we find Armando (13 years old)?

Since Friday evening, no trace has been found of the man who departed from his parents' residence in Kassel (Hesse).

May 19, 2024
1 min read
NewsFrankfurt am MainsearchesKasselMissingMugshotNews domesticHesse regionalHessePolice


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Look for those missing in Kassel. - Where can we find Armando (13 years old)?

The authorities are searching for a 13-year-old boy named Armando R. who went missing in Harleshausen. He vanished from his home on May 18th.

The youngster stands at 1.56 meters and has short, dark hair. He was last seen wearing dark jogging pants and black sneakers.

If you have any information regarding this missing individual, kindly reach out to the North Hesse Police Headquarters at 0561-91 00 or any other local precinct.

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