
Vandals deface a local train with graffiti.

Two individuals clad in masks defaced a regional train in Rövershagen on May 14, 2024, at around 11:40 a.m. by using paint.

May 17, 2024
1 min read
NewsMecklenburg-Western Pomerania regional newsMecklenburg-Western PomeraniaKI-OTSPoliceVandalismCrime
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Rövershagen: A Place to Explore Explore the Charm of Rövershagen - Vandals deface a local train with graffiti.

A train dispatcher at Rövershagen station notified police after spotting two suspects. By the time officers arrived on the scene, the suspects had vanished and a prompt search turned up empty-handed.

According to the dispatcher, the masked individuals sprinkled graffiti on train RB 13 (train number 235, heading towards Graal-Müritz), which stopped on track 1 at 11:40 am. The graffiti covered an approximate area of 5 square meters. When the dispatcher shouted at them, the suspects took off. One of the individuals was donning entirely black attire, while the other sported a blue sweater. Both wore balaclavas.

The Rostock Federal Police Inspectorate is now investigating the case of damaged property and is appealing for the public's assistance. Individuals with any knowledge about this occurrence or who noticed shady figures at Rövershagen station between 11:30 am and noon on May 14, 2024 are encouraged to dial 0381/2083-1111 or -1112 or visit their local police station.

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