
Untrained stargazer identifies nine fresh galaxies.

Amateur Italian astronomer Giuseppe Donatiello discovers five new dwarf galaxies, which have received his name.

May 22, 2024
2 min read
Researchers estimate that there are countless galaxies in the universe, such as this one, which the...
Researchers estimate that there are countless galaxies in the universe, such as this one, which the so-called hand of God (a nebula) seems to be reaching for


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He inspired their names. - Untrained stargazer identifies nine fresh galaxies.

Viktor Donatiello, also known as Donatiello V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, refers to a group of newly discovered galaxies that revolve around a remote spiral galaxy. These galaxies were named after the amateur astronomer and astrophotographer.

Donatiello expressed his excitement about this accomplishment, sharing with that he is the first and only amateur astronomer to have galaxies named after him. Prior to this discovery, four other celestial bodies had received his namesake. Thus, in total, nine galaxies now carry the Donatiello moniker, with eight of these being dwarf satellites of the Sculptor Galaxy.

For Donatiello, this search is less about personal acclaim and more about the thrill of new discoveries. He humorously remarked, "It's a nice feeling, but I've also gotten a little used to it!" His team's findings can be accessed on the arXiv research platform.

The dwarf galaxies Donatiello I to Donatiello IX from the perspective of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

Collaborating with his team, Donatiello utilized archive data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), an essential astronomy tool located atop the 2,095 m high Kitt Peak in the Sonoran Desert, 65.4 km southwest of Tucson, Arizona (USA). He emphasized that it is specifically designed for locating distant galaxies. Though it was no easy feat, his galaxies were eventually found.

The discovery of these faint galaxies, positioned an average of 11.5 million light-years from Earth, could hold valuable insights into the study of the universe's earliest stars and the enigmatic dark matter. This translucent matter is not visible but does generate gravity, captivating the curiosity of researchers globally.

NGC 253, the Sculptor Galaxy, around which the amateur astronomer Giuseppe Donatiello has discovered eight satellite dwarf galaxies

According to their findings, there are believed to be thousands of satellite galaxies similar to Donatiello's discoveries - some even in the vicinity of our galaxy, the Milky Way, and other massive galaxies. Thus far, only 39 have been located around our neighboring galaxy, Andromeda.

"Where are they all?" pondered Donatiello. He has plans to continue the quest, as he recognizes the essential role of dwarf galaxies in understanding galactic evolution.

The dwarf satellite galaxies of Andromeda discovered by Giuseppe Donatiello

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