
Unnerving episodes at the "RTL Water Games"

This water-filled event was not devoid of difficulties... During Saturday night's "RTL Water Games," eight celebrities engaged in fierce competition and dared to jump into the water for points. Participating were reality star Antonia Hemmer (24), presenter Nina Moghaddam (43) and actress Jess...

May 19, 2024
2 min read
The participants of the RTL Water Games: Antonia Hemmer, Serkan Yavuz, Nina Moghaddam, Pascal Hens,...
The participants of the RTL Water Games: Antonia Hemmer, Serkan Yavuz, Nina Moghaddam, Pascal Hens, Adriano Salvaggio and Valentin Lusin (back row from left) as well as Jess Maura and Isi Glück (front kneeling from left)


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Ball contact results in a sudden faint. - Unnerving episodes at the "RTL Water Games"

People get nervous before this test of bravery. On a giant slide that's nearly 30 meters high, contestants have to name three terms that were said most often in a study. If someone makes a mistake, the safety rope comes undone and the famous person falls into the depths. This is a nightmare for Antonia Hemmer. She shivers, saying, "Just thinking about this free fall gives me a panic attack." She decides not to do it and loses points.

In the "Schwingeling" game, stars stand on a ball that's suspended from a fire hose. Water sprays out of the ball, making the contraption spin high above the pool. The goal is to stay on the ball for as long as possible.

Nina Moghaddam lasts for 44 seconds. As she falls into the water, the ball hits her helmet with force. Everyone at the pool's edge holds their breath in horror. Moghaddam, who feels a little lightheaded, is able to say she's okay, but later tells her teammates in shock, "I was lucky the ball hit my helmet and not my face." Even with a face mask, there wouldn't have been much protection.

Paddling for victory: Antonia Hemmer (l.), Jess Maura and Pascal Hens

Excitement in the "RTL Water Games" semi-final! The celebrities sit in large, plastic balls and have to push each other over a barrier into the water. After a tiring round in the scorching sun, Jess Maura is completely out of breath, looks bewildered, and can barely stand. One of her teammates runs over to help, telling her to lie down. Meanwhile, Antonia holds up her teammate's legs. Host Jan Köppen (41) shouts to the helpers, "Do the recovery position in the water!"

Thankfully, the actress feels better soon. Comedian Oliver Pocher (46), who watches over the "water games," says about Maura's weak moment, "My hands are tingling and it's shaky."

The water spectacle could have backfired for Nina Moghaddam (l.)

Unfortunately, the "Unter Uns" actress didn't make it to the final. Instead, reality star Adriano Salvaggio (29) is named the winner of the show.

Watching the spectacle from a safe distance (from left): lifeguard Oliver Pocher, presenter Laura Papendick and presenter Jan Köppen

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