
UK Lottery Winner Conquers Pool, Represents England Now

UK lottery victor Neil Jones of Stoke set to play for England at Malta's European Pool tournaments.

May 26, 2024
2 min read
Neil Jones, pictured, was broke when he won the lottery in 2010. Now he’s representing England in...
Neil Jones, pictured, was broke when he won the lottery in 2010. Now he’s representing England in pool.


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UK Lottery Winner Conquers Pool, Represents England Now

Neal Jones, a UK lottery winner who collected £2.5 million in 2010, decided to invest in a high-quality pool table with his winnings. Over a decade later, he was selected to represent England at the European Pool Championships in Malta.

After winning the large sum of money, Jones retired from tilings and credited his newfound leisure time for honing his skills to international standards. He spent countless hours practicing, thanks to the lack of other activities during the pandemic.

The 59-year-old from Stoke-on-Trent found himself in a tough financial situation before his big win. He only had £13 to his name during Christmas while struggling to find employment.

"We've just been scraping by," he said to The Daily Mirror. "We borrowed some money so we could get through Christmas, knowing that in the New Year, there might be some jobs on the horizon."

fortunate surprise

Jones and his partner, Julie Kirkham, who worked at a café at the time, initially believed they had won a small sum of money in the National Lottery's Lucky Dip draw. However, they soon realized they had succeeded in matching all six numbers.

"I called Julie to come and check the ticket, as my hands were shaking so much," Jones recalled. "She thought I was pulling her leg."

Jones will now lead the England B1 team at the European Pool Championships in November, an opportunity he was extremely excited about. He said he cried after receiving the call.

past pursuits

Jones had been a passionate snooker player as a teenager and steadily advanced through the ranks after his lottery win. He became a regular pool player for Staffordshire County.

He first tried out for the England team in 2021 but was not chosen. In 2023, he received another chance and this time impressively secured a spot. He likened it to winning the lottery. Unfortunately, he wished his father were still alive to witness his accomplishment.

"My dad was my biggest supporter," Jones shared. "He was so proud. When he was in the hospital, I would tell him the county results each month, and he'd say, 'You really want this, don't you? It will come.' And it did - it was quite emotional."

Jones emphasized that the respect and admiration from his local pool club friends were based on his ability and not his wealth.

"It's not about the money; it's about what you can accomplish," he emphasized. "Winning the lottery helped me devote those hours to improving. If I hadn't won, I wouldn't have been able to afford the table or even have the time. I'd still be working as a tiler."

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