
Two men, each 42 years old, engage in a physical altercation while under the influence of alcohol

On 10.05.2024, at around 11 p.m., two intoxicated individuals engaged in a heated altercation in Mannheimer Straße, Schwetzingen.

May 11, 2024
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Schwetzingen's Mannheimer Strasse Road - Two men, each 42 years old, engage in a physical altercation while under the influence of alcohol

The police were notified and found the 42-year-old assailant along with the caller at the crime scene. Inside an apartment, a second witness and the victim (also 42 years old) were present. During the course of a thorough investigation, it was revealed that the suspect had been paying a visit to the victim and that both men had consumed a significant amount of liquor. An unexplained disagreement erupted between them during which the culprit repeatedly struck the victim in the face with his fist. The injured party sustained severe facial wounds and had to be rushed to a local medical facility for further care. The Schwetzingen police station is currently handling the case.

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