
Two men, aged 40 and 58, sustain injuries during a robbery.

Two men aged 40 and 58 sustained injuries during a robbery in Bremen's city center on Friday night while attempting to escape from two unidentified offenders in their vehicle.

May 19, 2024
2 min read
NewsTheftPoliceBremen regional newsKI-OTSCrimeBremenViolenceRegional
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Bremen Regional Center - Two men, aged 40 and 58, sustain injuries during a robbery.

A little before midnight, two men exited a restaurant in Am Wall street and were preparing to get into their vehicle. However, their plans were disrupted when they were assaulted. One of the attackers struck the 58-year-old passenger, prompting the 40-year-old driver to start the engine and attempt to escape. As recounted by the survivor, one of the perpetrators jumped into the vehicle and wrestled for control of the steering wheel, resulting in the VW crashing into a traffic post and, subsequently, into another car. The offender then took the 58-year-old man's high-end Blancpain wristwatch and escaped with his accomplice.

Two officers on duty nearby heard the commotion and rushed to aid the victims, administering emergency care. Unfortunately, the perpetrators had escaped by the time the police arrived. Bystanders noted that both suspects ran in the direction of the ramparts. Medical services transported the injured to a hospital. The initial search proved unsuccessful. The accident caused significant damage to the VW, two other vehicles, and a traffic post.

The criminal investigation unit is now handling the case, investigating possible leads and requesting anyone with information from Am Wall Street, Wallanlagen, or nearby areas to come forward. The main assailant is described as bald with English proficiency, while the accomplice is estimated to be around 20-30 years old, of dark complexion, with short dark hair, white shorts, and a white shirt. He is reportedly wearing a necklace as well. Call the Bremen Police Criminal Investigation Department at 0421 362-3888 for more details. The police warn that purchasing the stolen watch could lead to legal repercussions, as a buyer would be considered complicit in the crime of possessing stolen goods.

This version was created using AI technology with a more laid-back style and appealing tone for a broader audience. [0421 362-3888]

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