
Two men, aged 22 and 39, hurt in a robbery at interim housing facility

On Wednesday night (22.05.24), two individuals sustained injuries in their temporary dwelling on Severinstraße when intruders, wearing some form of disguise, forced entry into the apartment and assaulted them with a wooden stick and pepper spray.

May 24, 2024
1 min read
NewsPoliceTheftNorth Rhine-WestphaliaKI-OTSViolenceCrimeRegional
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Eschweiler: A Point of Interest - Two men, aged 22 and 39, hurt in a robbery at interim housing facility

A group of assailants loudly demanded items and then stole the cell phones of two men, aged 22 and 39. The victims from Eschweiler were severely injured by the blows and pepper spray and required immediate medical attention.

The police department's investigation resulted in the capture of two suspects, who are also residents of Eschweiler. They are both 23 and 43 years old. The two men will face charges for causing grievous bodily harm and armed robbery in front of a judge today. The authorities are still working to apprehend the remaining suspects.

This narrative is derived from information shared by the authorities and utilised AI in its creation.

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