
Tranquil Get-Together in Stuttgart for Eritrea

In September of last year, an occurrence grabbed attention from the media. This time around, Stuttgart witnessed a tranquil situation.

May 27, 2024
1 min read
Eritreans stand in front of a building with an Eritrean flag at the entrance.
Eritreans stand in front of a building with an Eritrean flag at the entrance.


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Repaired the given item or problem. - Tranquil Get-Together in Stuttgart for Eritrea

In Stuttgart, Eritreans who support their government commemorated the 33rd anniversary of their country's independence at an event on Saturday. To ensure things went smoothly, the police maintained a presence and checked beforehand if any critics of the festivities would show up. The gathering, which kicked off in the early afternoon, stretched into the late evening. Fortunately, there were reportedly no incidents and attendees enjoyed a tranquil atmosphere.

September marks the month when around 200 people, aged between 17 and 35, took to the streets of Stuttgart's Römerkastell in protest against a similar celebration. Protesters thought that those attending were aligned with the oppressive ruling regime in Eritrea, Africa. Not only did they aggressively confront the police, but they also threw stones and bottles. Fights between the demonstrators and the officers made headlines across the country. The outcome was disastrous for the young activists, with 39 of them facing legal consequences, including imprisonment, because of their violent actions.

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