
Top and Lowest States for Enduring a Zombie Breakout

Concerned about a potential zombie apocalypse? Worry not, we've assessed the top and bottom states to live in during such an event.

May 10, 2024
5 min read


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Top and Lowest States for Enduring a Zombie Breakout

This month is Zombie Awareness Month, which means people are thinking about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. Some popular searches on Google include "Are zombies coming in 2024," "10 ways to survive the zombie apocalypse," and "Would a zombie apocalypse be possible?"

To find out which states are the safest places to be during a zombie apocalypse, we created a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Index based on three factors: environmental conditions (36%), hiding spots (25%), and valuable professions (39%).

Our findings show that California is the ultimate safe zone with a perfect score of 100. This state excels in valuable professions, such as military and law enforcement, healthcare experts, scientists and engineers, and farmers. California also has the most army bases (73), farms (59,000+), and prisons per capita, making it a desirable hiding spot. Even with a higher-than-average population density (13th) and low firearm ownership rate (16.3%), its low crime rate (30th out of 50) and abundance of gas stations make it a desirable place to survive a zombie apocalypse.

If you're in the South-Central region, Texas is your second-best option with a score of 88.39. Although Texas has the highest crime rate (1st), it has the most gas stations (10,904) and a high number of valuable professions. However, the population density in Texas ranks 23rd and the firearm ownership rate is 35.5%.

When it comes to the third safest state, Florida has a total score of 73.28. This state has a large number of prisons (143) and army bases (41), making it a great hiding spot. Although Florida has a slightly higher population density (8th), low crime rate (28.8%), and the seventh-highest number of gas stations (6,243), it falls behind in other areas like freshwater accessibility.

On the other hand, Rhode Island is the worst state to be during a zombie apocalypse, ranking as the ultimate zombie hotspot. With a score of 19.43, this state lacks in valuable professions, safe havens, and environmental factors. It has the lowest firearm ownership rate (9.2%), the smallest number of gas stations (2,075), and a high crime rate (41st out of 50).

  • Key Findings:
  • California is the ultimate zombie safe zone with a perfect score of 100
  • Texas is the second-best option with a score of 88.39
  • Florida is Ranked third with a score of 73.28
  • Rhode Island is the zombie hotspot to avoid

How we calculated this:

The best states to survive a zombie apocalypse are those with a high number of valuable professions (military and law enforcement, healthcare experts, scientists and engineers, and farmers), safety havens (army bases, prisons, and farms) and adequate environmental factors (population density, freshwater accessibility, and firearm ownership rate).

To create our Zombie Apocalypse Survival Index, we weighted each of these factors to determine the safest states:

  1. Environmental conditions (36%): Includes freshwater accessibility, firearm ownership rates, the abundance of gas stations, farms, army bases, and prisons, low population density, and low crime rates.
  2. Hiding spots (25%): Includes the number of army bases, farms, and prisons.
  3. Valuable professions (39%): Includes military and law enforcement, healthcare experts, scientists and engineers, and farmers.

We considered the top states in each category, weighted them accordingly, and came up with a final score for each state.

Safe Zones: Where to live when the dead walk

The safest state during a zombie apocalypse is California, with a perfect score of 100. This state has the highest percentage of valuable professions (military and law enforcement, healthcare experts, scientists and engineers, and farmers) per capita, making it easy for you to assemble a team of experts to help you fight the dead. With 73 army bases (the most in the country), an abundance of farms and prisons to hide in, low crime rate (30th out of 50), and a large number of gas stations, you're bound to live through the apocalypse. However, California is the 11th most populous state, and the fifth least firearm-owning state, which is not ideal for cold-blooded killings.

If you're in the South-Central region, Texas is your second-best option with a score of 88.39. Although Texas is the most crime-ridden state, it has the most gas stations (10,904) per capita, and the second-highest number of farms and prisons per capita. The state has a low-population density (23rd), which makes it easier to hide.

For those on the East Coast, Florida takes the third spot with a score of 73.28. The state has the most prisons and army bases per capita, making it a desirable hiding spot. The Sunshine State also has low population density (8th) and low crime rate (28.8%), but a slightly lower freshwater accessibility rate, which is not ideal for long-term stay.

*The safe haven states:

  1. California (100)
  2. Texas (88.39)
  3. Florida (73.28)

Stay away from here States: To be avoided at all costs

Avoid Rhode Island like the plague; it has the lowest score of 19.43, making it the zombie hotspot you want to avoid at all costs. The state has the lowest firearm ownership rate (9.2%), the smallest number of gas stations (2,075), and the highest crime rate (41st out of 50).

Warning: You might be living in a zombie trap

If you live in one of these zombie hotspots, it might be time to prepare for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Pack your survival kit, make a plan, or simply practice running.

  • Warning: iot worth it:
  • Rhode Island (19.43)

The final place you might not wish to be in during a zombie apocalypse is Rhode Island, which rates last (50th) with a score of zero. Prepare to bid farewell to distance and privacy as Rhode Island houses the second-highest population density (per square mile). Moreover, your defense options will be constrained as their firearm ownership rate is only 13.9%, making it the fourth-worst nationwide. Additionally, you'll have a challenging time getting away since they have the second-lowest number of gas stations. If you're a fan of hide and seek, you'll enjoy Rhode Island as they have fewer farms (49th), army bases (47th), and prisons (47th) in comparison to other states.

If Rhode Island isn't frightening enough, three more states in the Upper East Coast are in a similar situation. New Jersey (49th) scores 10.12, Connecticut (48th) with 10.97, and Delaware (47th) with 17.64. All four states share unappealing zombie apocalypse survival factors. To complete the bottom five, Nevada stands at 46th with a score of 21.47 points. These states face not only zombies but also the potential threat of alien invasions – an unfortunate combo.


For zombie enthusiasts, meticulous planners, or those pondering the zombie apocalypse while watching "Shaun of the Dead" for its 20th anniversary, our index will help you make sound decisions about your survival plans.


In May 2024, we enlisted ChatGPT to establish a general set of criteria for the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Index. We subsequently organized some of the suggested factors into distinct weighted categories:

  1. Environmental (36%)
    1. Population density (per square mile) – 7%
    2. Firearm ownership rates – 10%
    3. Freshwater accessibility (water surface area per square mile) – 9%
    4. Crime rate (per 100k) – 4%
    5. Number of gas stations – 6%
  2. Hiding spots (25%)
    1. Number of farms – 7%
    2. Number of army bases – 10%
    3. Number of prisons – 8%
  3. Valuable professions (39%)
    1. Number of military and law enforcement workers per capita – 10%
    2. Number of healthcare professionals per capita – 12%
    3. Number of scientists and engineers per capita – 10%
    4. Number of farmers per capita – 7%

We then assessed each state using a 0-100 score scale to identify the best and worst states for surviving a zombie apocalypse.

State-specific data was obtained from the following sources:


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