
Tonight, which person joins Maybrit Illner at the table?

Since 1999, this program has been a vital element on television.

May 16, 2024
2 min read
NewsTVmaybrit illner
ZDF program "Maybrit Illner" from September 14. The show debates heated topics every Thursday
ZDF program "Maybrit Illner" from September 14. The show debates heated topics every Thursday


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Attendees and subject on the 16th of May - Tonight, which person joins Maybrit Illner at the table?

Every week, Maybrit Illner welcomes new guests to discuss political, economic, or social issues on her show.

Discover what today's episode on Thursday, May 16, 2024, will be about and which guests will appear on the show here.

What's the focus of the show now?

The featured issue: "Protesting Israel - What Sets Criticism Apart from Hate?"

In Germany and the U.S., protest camps have popped up at universities, demonstrations have occurred during the Eurovision Song Contest, and calls for a boycott of Israel demand "freedom for Palestine." Calls for Israel's destruction are commonly made in this context. The anguish over Gaza war casualties is used by Islamist groups to recruit for a "caliphate."

Once more, the classic anti-Semitism reemerges from behind the students' post-colonial theories. When does criticism of the Israeli government and its military operations turn into Jew-hatred? Is the German government overreacting in its support for Israel and facing international isolation as a result? Is legitimate criticism being suppressed in Germany?

On "Maybrit Illner," these inquiries will be addressed and answered.

Who are the today's guests?

These are the show's participants:

  • Omid Nouripour (B ́90/Die Grunen), party head
  • Herbert Reul (CDU), Interior Minister in North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Ahmad Mansour, Israeli-German psychologist, author, and expert in counter-extremism of Arab-Palestinian descent
  • Souad Mekhennet, international security correspondent for the "Washington Post," German journalist
  • Ronen Steinke, attorney, journalist, and non-fiction writer

When and where can you watch "Maybrit Illner"?

Maybrit Illner will be on TV tonight at 10:15 pm on ZDF. After the live transmission, the episode is available in the ZDF media library for streaming.

You can see the subsequent Maybrit Illner talks on these dates:* Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 22:25

Catch up if you missed it

If you've missed the "Maybrit Illner" episode, it will be rebroadcast on TV the following day and can be viewed on phoenix at 4 pm.

Alternatively, you can stream all the talk show episodes in the ZDF media library following their broadcast.

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