
Toilet block on the playground catches fire.

Saturday morning, fire and police were alerted after smoke was seen coming from the toilet block at Robinson playground in Alzey by witnesses.

May 25, 2024
1 min read
NewsFire departmentKI-OTSCrimeVandalismRhineland-PalatinateRegionalPolice
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Alzey: Redefining the Threshold of Alzheimer's Detection - Toilet block on the playground catches fire.

The blaze is out, yet authorities guess it didn't ignite by itself because the room lacks electrical appliances capable of sparking the fire.

Police seek the public's help: Were you nearby and spotted anything strange linked to the blaze? Anyone with relevant details should reach out to the Alzey police at 06731 9110.

Note: This text is derived from official statements issued by the authorities with assistance from AI.

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