
To prevent the goat from aging too much

For the wealthy Geissens, price doesn't matter. They recently displayed on Instagram their latest indulgence in the beauty world: NAD+ and stem cell therapy. They traveled to Bangkok specifically for this treatment, where an expert administered it via IV.

May 31, 2024
2 min read
NewsStem cellsRTL 2Goatthe geissensTVCosmetic surgeryPeopleGeiss RobertDocumentary soapAnti-aging productsCarmen
Robert and Carmen Geiss want to stay fit in their old age. They are happy to invest a pretty penny...
Robert and Carmen Geiss want to stay fit in their old age. They are happy to invest a pretty penny to do so


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10,000 euros for a health checkup - To prevent the goat from aging too much

Carmen Geiss decided to try an anti-aging treatment after discussing the options carefully. She posted about it on Instagram, sharing that her husband, Robert, had received stem cells during the treatment. The goal was to lower their biological cell age.

Carmen chose NAD+ therapy, an enzyme the body produces to help with cell metabolism. When introduced artificially, it's meant to improve the health of the cells and make them "younger."

Any major results?

No, this procedure won't instantly make you ten years younger or erase wrinkles. Carmen explains that it helps slow down the aging process. "We don't want to say we're 10 years younger today, and tomorrow all the wrinkles are still there. But we can slow down the aging process," she said.

Robert Geiss has many years ahead of him, according to a healer Carmen consulted in Bali. "I was in Bali with such a healer, a kind of seer. He said I would definitely be 97 years old. I think that's great. Then I still have 37 years left to make TV."

The Geisses plan to continue their presence in reality TV. To achieve this goal, they're willing to spend on their health. Stem cells need to be injected every six to eight months to maximize the benefits. The cost? About €10,000 per dose, so €20,000 a year. "That's then just 20,000 euros a year you spend on your health," says Carmen. "And that, I think, is the least I spend all year."

Carmen plans to have a stem cell injection herself in six months. "Just getting older would be no fun..."

Robert and Carmen Geiss want to stay fit in their old age. They are happy to invest a pretty penny to do so

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