
Thomas Frank of Brentford speaks candidly about the Ivan Toney gambling scandal.

Thomas Frank discusses the conflicting attitudes towards gambling in soccer while defending Ivan Toney and condemning the racial abuse he experiences.

Jun 11, 2024
2 min read
Ivan Toney, above, with the “Hollywood Bets” logo emblazoned across his jersey. He faces 262...
Ivan Toney, above, with the “Hollywood Bets” logo emblazoned across his jersey. He faces 262 betting violations and could be banned from soccer for six months.


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Thomas Frank of Brentford speaks candidly about the Ivan Toney gambling scandal.

Thomas Frank, the manager of Brentford FC, has described the expected six-month ban on striker Ivan Toney for gambling infractions as a "prison sentence" for the beleaguered footballer.

Frank criticized the mixed messages regarding gambling in English football in his first public comments about the impending ban. He also said it was incredibly challenging that Toney would be punished while also enduring daily racist abuse.

Though he acknowledged that the two issues are separate and that Toney's alleged gambling activity doesn't excuse his treatment by racially abusive fans, Frank couldn't help but feel like a mixed message was being sent. "It's difficult when it feels like Ivan may be punished more severely for what he's accused of than people who are abusing him," Frank commented to The Daily Mail.

The previous week, a 24-year-old named Antonio Neill was the first individual to be banned from every soccer stadium in the UK. He was convicted of racially abusing Toney online and faces a three-year ban, including a suspended prison sentence.

Toney has been charged with 262 violations related to gambling activities prior to signing for Brentford in August 2020. There's no indication that he ever gambled on or against his own team.

FA Regulations

According to FA regulations, players are forbidden from betting on any soccer games worldwide and can't wager on any soccer-related matters, such as player transfers. They're also barred from sharing confidential information with third parties.

Frank argues that the commercial connection between gambling companies and football confuses this message. He stated that players need more education from the FA and that clubs need to reassess their relationships with these sponsors.

Each time Toney takes to the field for Brentford, he sports the brand of jersey sponsor Hollywood Bets prominently on his chest.

"When Ivan runs out onto the field with the name of our sponsor across his chest, it sends mixed signals to everyone that football endorses betting companies," Frank explained. "There should be some regulations from the government to put a stop to this. There's more awareness about gambling these days, but there's still plenty to be done."

The UK government is reportedly considering an outright ban on betting advertising around football as part of ambitious gambling reforms. An agreement is said to have been reached with the EPL, whereby a self-regulation ban on front-of-jersy sponsorship may be accepted as part of a compromise deal.

Toney will still join the England team ahead of its upcoming European Championship qualifiers against Italy and Ukraine, despite being due for sanctions.

He's currently the third-highest scorer in the EPL with 18 goals this season.

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