
This fact is also integral to the narrative.

Disconcerting footage sent to BILD's editorial office from Worms over the weekend showed a man brandishing a wooden plank, verbally abusing pedestrians and damaging vehicles. The police soon arrived and brandished their guns, indicating the potential for the situation to become more explosive.

May 21, 2024
2 min read
NewsNews domestic
Bilal T. (39, right) from Tunisia bravely intervened when a man in Worms hit him with a wooden slat
Bilal T. (39, right) from Tunisia bravely intervened when a man in Worms hit him with a wooden slat


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A man from Eritrea runs amok in Worms. - This fact is also integral to the narrative.

Out of nowhere, a stranger steps in and confronts the assailant, forcing him against the wall and taking away his weapon. The hero's name is Bilal.

This incident has left many puzzled with questions such as: why was the refugee from Eritrea, who had been noticeable for quite some time and should have been already detained for deportation, still allowed to freely roam the streets?

However, another fact remains prominent: time and time again, individuals with a cultural background have stepped forward to confront dangerous situations and show their bravery.

For instance, when an Islamist attacked and harmed multiple people in Hamburg-Barmbek, it was Toufiq and Wali who tackled the attacker and threw furniture at him.

Similarly, when a 15-year-old shot and killed another pupil in Offenburg, Sabah, a father, took the shooter down.

When a Somali man wielded a knife and threatened passers-by in Würzburg, the threat was neutralized by Thai chef Van Long.

When a man with a sabre menaced people near Frankfurt's Konstabler Wache, the heroes were Marinko and Tomislav.

When a knife-wielding assailant threatened residents on a bus in Bonn, Ahmad rushed to intervene.

When someone was drowning helplessly in the Rhine in Cologne, Hussein leaped into action.

I could continue in this vein for quite some time.

Why is this so common? There's no straightforward answer.

Is it familial tradition or cultural expectation to intervene in disputes? Is it personal experience with violence and oppression that heightens the response to unjust situations? Iconic cultural figures? A desire to contribute to the community? Or do many of the perpetrators of these acts specifically target their victims, who happen to be immigrants?

All of these factors play a role, as well as others.

But there's also a mindset among Germans of trying to avoid public violence - out of fear or simply not knowing how, but also out of the rational fear of potential harm to themselves and legal consequences. The police often caution people not to intervene directly, but rather to call for help first. It's in this spirit of standing up for others that true heroism resides - not just in the act of intervening, but in the courage to act.

"Without the influx of immigrants, these incidents wouldn't have happened at all," some detractors will say, disregarding the fact that many wonderful things would also not exist in Germany if it weren't for their presence. The ideal of a "bi-German" society where everyone lives in harmony is merely a fantasy.

Nonetheless, we must continue highlighting the stories of the self-proclaimed "barricade brawlers" and the blunders that feed these conflicts. But we must also share the inspiring tales of heroism.

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