
Thirty-two-year-old man shot during armed robbery in a park.

A 32-year-old male was wounded from gunfire during a theft incident early today in Görlitzer Park, Kreuzberg.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimeViolenceBerlinKI-OTSPoliceBerlin regional newsTheft
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Kreuzberg is a neighborhood in Berlin. - Thirty-two-year-old man shot during armed robbery in a park.

At about 8 in the morning, a man was stopped by two guys. They pushed a revolver against his upper body and told him to give them his cell phone. He didn't comply, so one of the guys shot him in his lower region while he was lying on the ground. This led the man to attempt an escape towards Wiener Straße. The perpetrators then fired two more shots, one of which grazed his thigh and he fell to the ground.

Those who witnessed the event gave chase through the park. One of the attackers threatened to shoot his pursuers but didn't follow through. The witnesses found themselves in possession of one of the criminals, who was turned over to the cops. A 20-year-old was apprehended. Thanks to additional information from other witnesses, the other suspect, a 23-year-old, was found and captured in a bush. There was a live firearm discovered and seized as well. The man taken into custody was admitted to the hospital to receive treatment for his gunshot injury. Thankfully, his life was not in danger.

The two suspects were later turned over to the Criminal Investigation Department of Directorate 5 (City) and, after further investigations, were let go by the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office today.

This account is a paraphrase of an official announcement from the authorities and was aided by AI.

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