German Federal States

Thieves take 500 euros from a small shop.

Early Tuesday morning, a witness notified the police about burglars breaking into a kiosk in Erfurt's Roter Berg district.

May 22, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimeTheftPoliceVandalismErfurtKI-OTSThuringia regional news
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Erfurt is the city mentioned. - Thieves take 500 euros from a small shop.

Crooks forced their way into a store, targeting the checkout area. They made off with cash, drinks, and also took a ticket printer worth around 500 euros.

The door they broke into will cost around 5,000 euros to repair. Police have gathered plenty of evidence and are now looking into a pretty severe case of theft.

This story draws on official details provided by authorities and uses AI to rephrase the text.

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