
The UN Security Council summons an urgent gathering.

UN Security Council convenes urgently following Israeli missile attack.

May 28, 2024
1 min read
NewsGaza StripHamasPolitics-abroadunited nationsMiddle East conflictIsrael
Der Saal des UN-Sicherheitsrates in New York
Der Saal des UN-Sicherheitsrates in New York


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Israeli Airstrikes Target Area - The UN Security Council summons an urgent gathering.

An important UN meeting has been set for Tuesday, according to news agency AFP, based on information from diplomatic sources. This comes after an Israeli air strike on Monday near Rafah city, which led to the death of several dozen people residing in a refugee camp.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (74) referred to the incident as a "tragic accident," while the Israeli military claimed they struck a Hamas complex in Rafah where "significant Hamas terrorists were operating." The forces have launched an investigation.

The attack sparked global outrage as UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his concern over the numerous innocent civilians killed in the camp who were trying to find safety amid the lethal conflict.

In the United States, a National Security Council spokesperson commented on the distressing images of the camp where "dozens of innocent Palestinians" were killed, saying they were "utterly heart-wrenching and devastating."

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert took a more careful approach, stating that war crime determination would be left up to legal experts. "If something like this occurs, it is highly condemnable," he added.

Located in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt, over a million individuals are currently trapped due to Israel's ongoing fight against the remaining Hamas terrorists.

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