
The traffic light expenses vast sums on frivolous initiatives.

Ongoing conflict over allocation of tax funds.

May 25, 2024
1 min read
Development Minister Schulze (SPD) spends millions on gender madness abroad, scolds the FDP
Development Minister Schulze (SPD) spends millions on gender madness abroad, scolds the FDP


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Global disruption of gender norms - The traffic light expenses vast sums on frivolous initiatives.

Numerous ministers within the coalition government are planning to spend substantially more money than initially budgeted in 2025, leading to considerable frustration among Finance Minister Christian Lindner (45) and his FDP party.

The Liberals are currently looking into areas where cost-cutting measures can be implemented. One of their key targets: Development Minister Svenja Schulze (55, SPD). FDP parliamentary group deputy Christoph Meyer (48) argues that spending on development aid is riddled with projects whose necessity is uncertain.

One such example of Schulze's ministry's financing includes:

► €522,000 allocated for "capacity building and gender training" for social workers in China.

► €21 million set aside for "gender-transformative approaches" to bolster civil society in Cameroon through 2028.

► €4 million earmarked to encourage "female entrepreneurship in the green economy in Algeria."

► €53.6 million given to assist in the implementation of "climate-friendly cooking technologies" in Kenya and Senegal until 2026.

► €146,000 provided to promote "gender-equitable local self-government processes" in India.

► €500,000 dedicated to supporting the "gender-equitable implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement."

FDP is not happy with these expenditures. According to Meyer, they want Schulze to reduce "overstretched development aid" in her budget.

However, Schulze refuses to accept this criticism. "Across the globe, individuals face discrimination; women and girls are the most disadvantaged group and they're often subjected to violence," states a spokesperson for Schulze. As a result, these projects are so vital because they're scrutinized at length throughout several stages before receiving funding. Lastly, "comprehensive final reports and final inspections" are mandated to ensure their success.

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