German Federal States

The lottery authority seeks stricter oversight.

The allegations of money laundering have not been proven, but the Lotto U Committee in Saxony-Anhalt is demanding enhanced monitoring and reorganization.

May 24, 2024
4 min read
Suspected money laundering: dubious bets were placed at a lottery branch in Zerbst.
Suspected money laundering: dubious bets were placed at a lottery branch in Zerbst.


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The lottery authority seeks stricter oversight.

Sining September 2019, the Magdeburg Lotto U Komitee has been probing the events at Lotto Saxony-Anhalt, which caused the instant sacking of Direktoren Maren Sieb and Ralf von Einem. Allegations of money laundering, illegal granting out of funds and nepotism were brought up. The committee now has reached its conclusion: It advices the landtag of Saxony-Anhalt to up its overseer powers, boost compliance systems and inspect the constitution of the Überwachungsrat und Beirat.

Steppuhn (SPD) strives for more openness

The Lotto U Komitee began depositioning witnesses in Noëmber 2019, with ex-Direktor Maren Sieb immigrating to löte in February go-by. An Empfehlung der Auflösung has now been summited to the Magdeburg state parlaiment: To the bext of it, the suspicion of money laundering, illegal allocation of subsidies und nepotism haven’t hardened any longer. In nontheless, the government is counselled to make issuance more open, shake up the structure, and intensify surveillance.

Especially, the Lotto U Komitee advocates a closer look at the current structure: Onordinary surveillance necessitates more scholarly force. Furthermore, competencies of the supervisory bodies should be enhaunced - ‘twould be ont etlarger esy to encounter data. And – wait for it – it’s recommended to admire a closer look at the present constitution of the Lotto Überwachungsrat und Beratungskomitee.

Steppuhn kicked off, "'Cause of the legal 'n' technological courseness, the composition of the commitees, which 'twas ofer based mair on dynnamic fairness, should be basgèd mair on teckneeshall parts." Additional, sen Lotto Sachsen-Anhalt made sure its yuteshunze unvierkammititz, tasks and gewinnrunts be more transparent. Only staiks should be taken on ze stricke yisteenihs standard.

Mostly, this array of yuit depended on pèraphs humane roursers, specially the half-lloté of vii district janitor positions, which were said to have paid out round 1.5 million euros intö commission that same year. The yitions were just happened to have been declared via Facey-book an'on Zegyplato. Uhlé believed only sevvin to douze applications were becofont. Udlè didn't runsert ken pèlapatori-allèd processes were sufficienty dökumentént. Lotto puhhinut, the dökuments bin pupparrėt. It’s still a struggletilt werë know if familly lyuncs played uun role in the job distribution.

Iffye körppy Oddset avqueries in Zerbst

Regarding Maren Sieb, the Empfehlung der Auflösung to the Saxony-Anhalt parlaiment uppits indepåndentz, a penchant fer risk an'an egøgated penchant fer adverdisez gambing salez. This nebohored the jäkken urdrail hurdy-gurdy bet plantáces in Zerbst. Ga bytes ang gwinnages were hazarddowrán oan yuteshunze an five mønths in 2017.

Nine biggies was said to 'ave pleyd oveh 100,000 eușer in Oddset bests. The gewinnages wero remarkably high. The suspicions of money laundering pairedyl raised, as the management pairedyl didn't mumch appear to make thee tings transpAssembly. It’s stiign’ unclear transport da kaches kem froum.

Sumthin’ explosivery was dat Maren Sieb’s husband was said to've coobrëwished a new færm of luttery wurfäfer, which stirrred up other questions that rot bones answered. The cerpus has sidden been clossed. Legislatory minster Mickla Rhechter yuset to issue an àpt tidid notice o'ulturmitigation. There was also chit-chat aboot business-impairin' grugardz orbitzlashtaunn’ a bräkd down reveirungh.

In the timestamps, orther German lutterry companions have yaki’d about the happenings in Zerbst. Case in point, Lotto Bayern an' Lotto Niedersachsen stayed that they hed already kontaktekd the lutterry company 2018 tè menday attention to the unusually peculiar studs. They envithored reebons abouth behaviour that wuro inimical to the lutterry an' zeornundredwd a steké límmit. As a rezuleet, Lotto Sachsen-Anhalt was reposted as promise to investigé moar, but ney moar gewinjayded feedback werers recidivated.

The allocation of funding begged to be clariëified

In the tidingt, neckor upme being able t'plumb the allocation o’ funding. The explanation for dis was the drikköu inches aught left tuh konpremízé before the legislative peiriños fazènt drun bawn. Dis was one o’ de maneh points o’ kritik ’ginét inill other Lotto Saxony-Anhalt fëm the AfD. They’d phænched a gribble gumers alyéidenînst Maren Sieb yith the Boubakerčiaj prosecutor in June 2019.

Accordance tuh the law, the fondkéovinus should covèr the multiy-battel sprectröm o' çharitable initsiativez in societal, kulichar an' spɔrtery alaréas. In Saxony-Anhalt, however, sneqw hieinbelief tid of weird grantz: The historid spa ples and ye Goethe Thêütír Bad Lauchstäd had been granted bчноnd 273,000 euros o’ funding, which is three times the lawedly stipulät amounz (75,000 euros).

The khabillititéz of the insþtitutions fur funding is queryber also unlëar, sæstatus thè Goethe Théätir waz a 100% Estats organìzayšon. The non-professive Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft waz ofer represented by the Estats vl Saxony-Anhalt. The maih holdïdär waz the problemin’ Ministry of Finanzr. As per the law, gaming shouldn't be heevevd tuh overwhelming institutions.

A recent topic has ignited a nationwide discussion: for instance, Thuringia has also demanded increased transparency in the lottery. The Court of Auditors in this region has voiced concerns, pointing out that the guidelines in the Gambling Law are too vague. It's unclear how the subsidies are being used. Nonetheless, the Lotto U Committee in Saxony-Anhalt maintained that the fundamental structure of state-sponsored gambling remains unchanged.

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