
The goalkeeping hierarchy in Germany undergoes a shift as Leipzig emerges with a top-tier performance.

Readers of were aware first: RB Leipzig officially announced Peter Gulacsi's (34) contract extension (previously set to expire in 2025). The goalkeeper agreed to stay until 2026, and the team's announcement also revealed additional information.

May 27, 2024
2 min read
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Die Leipziger Torhüter Janis Blaswich (l.) und Peter Gulacsi
Die Leipziger Torhüter Janis Blaswich (l.) und Peter Gulacsi


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Official Gulacsi contract - The goalkeeping hierarchy in Germany undergoes a shift as Leipzig emerges with a top-tier performance.

It's now official: Gulacsi is here to stay and will remain the top goalkeeper at RB Leipzig for the next two seasons. According to the club's statement, "the 34-year-old will also be the number one in the RBL box." Sporting director Rouven Schröder (48) added, "Pete has proven with his return that he's one of the best goalkeepers in the Bundesliga and has played a significant role in helping us qualify for the Champions League once again."

Clarity on the goalkeeper position was one of the key decisions the team wanted to make before the upcoming European Championship. And with the contract extension of Péter Gulácsi, Schröder says it was achieved with "transparent discussions" involved.

Gulacsi talked about his decision not only in terms of sports, but also personal matters. "My wife, my children, and I feel very, very comfortable in Leipzig. The city and the region have become our second home. It was not only my, but my family's wish to stay here. This contract extension is not just a sporting, but a heart decision for me."

With this, the team has set the hierarchy beyond the pitch. Schröder stated, "He's earned a prominent status at RB Leipzig in recent years. With his performances, his importance within the goalkeeper group, for the team, and the club, and with his connection to our fans." Gulacsi also expressed his excitement for the upcoming season and what's yet to come with the team.

With this announcement, RB Leipzig has ensured a stable position with one of their star players. "He's already a legend at RB Leipzig with over 300 games under his belt," mentioned Schröder.

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