
Testimony witness found guilty of being untruthful

Final phase in the New York case involving hush-money payments to women accusing Donald Trump (77) of affairs.

May 17, 2024
2 min read
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This time with a red tie: Trump in New York on Thursday
This time with a red tie: Trump in New York on Thursday


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Excitement at Trump's court hearing - Testimony witness found guilty of being untruthful

The questioning of the main witness - former attorney for Trump, Michael Cohen (57) - took a new turn. Cohen had paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels (45) $130,000 in 2016 to keep silent about an alleged affair. Trump later repaid him. Reports suggest that documents may have been manipulated during this process, which is significant.

Cohen is regarded as the most risky witness for the outcome of the trial. Trump's aggressive defense attorney Todd Blanche (49) is well aware of this. That's why he's working to undermine Cohen's credibility systematically. Blanche branded him a "liar," earning over $3.4M from his two books alone ("Disloyal," "Revenge") through his Trump-hate.

Cohen expressed joy at the indictment against Trump in 2023, stating he hoped Trump would experience the same ordeal: arrest, handcuffs, and a prison cell. "I hope he ends up in jail," Cohen scoffed. He also boasted that he played an important role in the prosecution.

Attorney Blanche then accused Cohen of numerous lies in court: he allegedly lied to FBI agents, special investigators, Congress, and even a judge. Moreover, he looked into whether Trump could pardon him as president. "To end this nightmare," he claimed. But he denied these allegations to Congress.

Blanche also suggested another motive: vindictiveness. Cohen wanted to be the "chief of staff" in the White House, but was declined the position. He must have vented about it to his daughter: "After all I've done for him?"

Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen (right) during the trial day on Thursday

In a pivotal moment, Blanche accused Cohen of lying while testifying. Cohen claimed to have spoken to Trump on the phone after the "Stormy deal" was completed. In reality, he only spoke to Trump's bodyguard, Keith Schiller.

Under increased scrutiny, Cohen confessed that the prosecution had prepared him as a witness. Thus, he could recall episodes relevant to the trial in great detail, but not lesser ones. It seemed rehearsed. Blanche calculated that the lawyer had made over 50,000 phone calls since 2016. He pondered how Cohen could recall the crucial conversations so precisely.

Cohen is expected to be the final witness for the prosecution. Trump's legal team only intends to call two witnesses or potentially none. Consequently, closing arguments could happen as early as next week, and then it will be the jury's decision.

The anticipation is escalating: trial spectators were queuing outside the court nonstop in the persistent rain. And provocative protesters are also becoming more brazen: Trump supporters released balloons shaped like a penis - with the likeness of Judge Juan Merchan (61) on them...

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Source: symclub.org


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