
Ten-year-old Sammy was allegedly killed by his classmates.

What is the limit of torment a child's spirit can handle before shattering?

May 18, 2024
2 min read
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Teased for their dentition and eyewear. - Ten-year-old Sammy was allegedly killed by his classmates.

Sammy Teusch, aged 10, tragically committed suicide on May 5th after years of being subjected to relentless bullying at school. His schoolmates tormented him by making fun of his teeth and glasses, physically threatening him, and insulting his mother. Sammy was laid to rest in Greenfield, Indiana on Wednesday.

Police in Indiana are now looking into this distressing incident. It's possible that Sammy's bullies could be held responsible for their actions and face criminal charges.

An update on the case was provided by local authorities who stated that the investigation concerning the official cause and mode of Sammy's passing is still ongoing.

Sammy's heartbroken parents, Nichole and Sam, revealed that he had been targeted by his congruents both physically and emotionally ever since he was in elementary school. This abuse continued until the night of his death. They also claimed that the bullying started last year in his elementary school and followed him to Greenfield Intermediate School.

Sammy's dad, Sam, spoke with local news station WTHR, detailing the actions of Sammy's tormentors: "At first, they would tease him about his glasses, then his teeth. This went on for a while. The bullying then intensified on the school bus, where he got physically beat up, and just last week he was cornered in the bathroom by the bullies. I have his shattered glasses kept in a memorial shrine for my kids to reminisce about their little brother."

Unfortunately, little Sammy couldn't get rid of his tormentors at secondary school either

Despite the outpouring of pain from the family, Greenfield Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Harold Olin said that no formal complaints had been made by Sammy's parents regarding the bullying.

Consoling the grieving family at the funeral, Sam said: "It's true that the thought of losing God's child crossed my mind, but it wasn't him who took my child away; it was hatred."

The wake was attended by hundreds of shocked parents and friends, and a convoy of more than a hundred bikers joined the procession, showing their support.

"I aim for his photograph to serve as a source of inspiration for kids who feel abandoned and without a voice," Sammy's father added.

Classmates have built a shrine for Sammy

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