In Braunschweig, the television series "Starship Enterprise" introduces its storyline: It's 2024, and the start-up OKAPI:Orbits is launching an operation. With a team of 45 members, they seek to safeguard satellites from potential destruction. As the space industry's singular traffic policemen,...
SportOne hundred scientists worked for a decade to create an extraordinary collection of lunar maps with a 1:2.5 million resolution. The atlas includes 12,000 craters, 81 basins, and 17 rock types on the Moon. Chinese researchers are responsible for this impressive accomplishment.
PoliticsEd Dwight, originally intended to be the first black astronaut to fly into space, had his plans derailed 63 years ago. Now, he's making headlines for a different reason, setting a new record.
TechnologyNASA researchers have engineered a propulsion system that could potentially accelerate journeys to Mars by several months, along the lines of the warp drive featured in Starship Enterprise. However, whether this incredible speed will ever become a reality remains to be seen, as it may be...