FCM's sporting director Otmar Schork (66) remains cautious ahead of the new season, expressing his thoughts with clarity and conviction.
PoliticsFollowing the cup final clash with Leverkusen this Saturday at 8pm, 1. FC Kaiserslautern will celebrate their triumph, regardless of the outcome. Their aim for the season - to prevent relegation - has already been met. Their celebration is overdue.
PoliticsIn a message sent to the nearly 140,000 members, it indicates that the choice was made OPPOSING a special general gathering, which means OPPOSING the removal of the ineffective Board of Directors!
Calendar-SheetIn a previous BILD interview, he stated, "I am capable of representing Brazil and Suriname. My mom is Brazilian and my dad is from Suriname. However, I have always competed for the Netherlands during my youth years."
German Federal States