A young Georgian woman defiantly poses in front of a large group of masked police officers from a special unit, her fists gripping the intertwined flags of her nation and the European Union. This powerful image has been shared globally as a representation of the struggle for freedom from...
Calendar-SheetThe members of the "Last Generation" climate activists will be permitted to participate in the European polls, potentially providing them with alternative engagements away from street protests.
German Federal StatesIn Berlin once more, climate activists spark tension, making even a law enforcement officer feel overwhelmed.
CultureThe court's decision for climate activists: Cosimo, charged as an environmental offender, must pay 750 euros in compensation for damaging a display vehicle at the 2023 International Motor Show (IAA) after sitting on it.
German Federal StatesProtesters from "Last Generation" have thus far taken to the streets, but they've switched up their tactics by lying down on the hard surface at Stuttgart Airport without using glue.
PanoramaIn early January, an individual attempted to bypass a roadblock during a farmer demonstration, leading to a shocking turn of events. The accused now confronts allegations of attempted manslaughter.
PoliticsOn Tuesday, France witnessed a real-life action movie scenario. A group of four heavily armed criminals attacked a prisoner transportation to set free a dangerous prisoner. During the incident, two guards lost their lives, and three others suffered serious injuries.
German Federal StatesAfter the three-day clearing of the demonstration camp at FU Berlin, calls for the resignation of University President Günter Ziegler (60) are circulating. The flyers accuse him of being accountable for the harm done to the students by law enforcement.
EconomyRammstein, a band known for their loud, brutal, and provocative performances, are in Dresden for the first of four concerts. This is part of their European tour, and both fans and others have expressed their intent to attend the show.
EconomyElderly individuals employ hammers and chisels to harm the glass enclosure housing the 1215 British constitution's original text, provoking intervention by the National Library in London's security personnel.
EconomyProtests in support of Palestine at various US universities have led to more confrontations, apprehensions, and displacements. In the early hours of Thursday, officers and demonstrators engaged in fiery clashes at UCLA, after authorities cleared a temporary camp from the premises. A total of...
PoliticsProtests in support of Palestine at the UCLA campus in Los Angeles have resulted in physical altercations among demonstrators, as per media reports. As reported by CNN, the confrontation commenced early on Wednesday between supporters of Palestine and Israel. Following a request for help from...