Margareta Kozuch, aged 37, embarked on her volleyball journey in Hamburg. As the captain of the national team, she played in the world's top indoor leagues. Following her move to beach volleyball, Kozuch competed alongside Laura Ludwig at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, finishing fifth. Her career...
Calendar-SheetPredicted comeback time for Danny Willett (36, England) after shoulder surgery: a minimum of a year, possibly even 18 months. However, the golfer astonished everyone by returning to play within just seven months after his April procedure. Currently, Willett is preparing to face the notorious...
CultureFrank Buschmann (59 years old) reveals the latest update amidst a tranquil, verdant environment with chirping birds taking up the background.
TechnologyIn 2014, Martin Jacobson (36) achieved great notoriety in the poker community, clinching the Main Event title and asserting his status as a global champion.