Intense debates on Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Israel sentiment occur on Markus Lanz's show.
SportFour prominent German local politicians from the CDU, SPD, and FDP have urged Markus Lanz (55) with a sense of urgency to address the damaging actions of the country's bureaucracy. However, there seems to be little relief in store, particularly from the Chancellery.
TechnologyFederal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (56, Greens) addressed the elephant scandal for the first time on "Markus Lanz" on Thursday, as Botswana has expressed its intentions to transport 20,000 elephants to Germany to retaliate against the Greens. Struggling to downplay the situation, Lemke...
CulturePastor Bernd Siggelkow (59) of Berlin, who founded the Christian children's and youth group "Die Arche," shocked talk show host Markus Lanz (55) with alarming revelations about the deteriorating state of knowledge and education in Germany.