The Cannes Film Festival concluded with US director Sean Baker receiving the Palme d'Or for his movie "Anora," which explores a connection between a prostitute and the son of a Russian oligarch. On Saturday night, Baker paid tribute to "every sex worker of the past, present, and future." The...
Calendar-SheetLow German is not simply a dialect; it's a regional language with its own literary significance. Over the next three weeks, this language will be the main subject of various events taking place in MV.
PanoramaIn the near future, the "Nordischer Klang" festival will showcase Northern European culture in Greifswald, also paying tribute to a renowned local figure.
TravelsThe Filmkunstfest MV commenced in Schwerin featuring a movie from the 2021 guest nation, Spain. This event serves as a platform for debuting German-language films.
TechnologyTo begin with the season, the government has designated its allocation for music festivals as per Tuesday. A total of 141 event organizers will receive funding of up to 50,000 euros each. Primarily, small and medium-sized festivals are targeted, as mentioned in a statement. The government is...