For centuries, the diminutive "crab island" known as Gardí Sugdub in the local tongue served as the dwelling place for the Guna people. Unfortunately, they are being forced to abandon their ancestral land due to its inundation by rising sea levels. The Guna have now been transformed into...
PanoramaIn Hanover's Bothfeld district, eight unexploded shells from the Second World War have surfaced at a municipal nursery. Due to their potential danger, they cannot be moved safely and must be blown up where they are.
CultureIn New Caledonia, tensions are escalating: France initiates the removal of visitors due to persistent turmoil that has already caused seven fatalities.
PanoramaOn Tuesday evening, a call for assistance was made to the control center. The source of the emergency was an age-old locksmith's store located at a resettlers' farm in Weingarten, Baden-Württemberg. As emergency responders neared, they witnessed a billowing cloud of gray-black smoke engulfing...
German Federal StatesThe central area of Singen was secured on Thursday as a preventative step following a possible dangerous materials incident.
CultureIntriguing event in Bavaria: A whole train was evacuated on Monday owing to an assumed bomb threat. Likely, a translation error on a smartphone was the culprit.
EconomyExcavator damages pipeline, causing gas alarm in Völklingen: Construction work led to a damaged pipeline on the Saarstahl site around 11 a.m., resulting in traffic disruptions and evacuations.
AutoThe Ruang volcano in Indonesia continues to be active, leading to evacuations of thousands following a fresh eruption.