Following the turbulence from recent days, a stunning appearance with the granddaughter...
German Federal StatesNaomi Campbell, a 53-year-old supermodel, remains a head-turner as she donned a Chanel ensemble that had originally wowed audiences at the Cannes Film Festival 28 years ago.
German Federal StatesThe attire guideline for the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival calls for men to don black tuxedos (other hues are forbidden), while women are expected to appear captivating and graceful.
EconomyOn Tuesday evening, the dog Messi, known for his role in the film "Anatomy of a Case," meandered in front of the camera crew. Excited photographers called out his name, "Messi, Messi," as the border collie, accompanied by his trainer, proudly held a microphone in his mouth, attempting to look...
EconomyShe appears to be wearing a dress explicitly designed for the glamorous red carpet of Cannes... The world's largest film festival commences its 77th episode tonight. The star Heidi Klum (50) was among the first to arrive.