At the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday, director Sean Baker received the prestigious Palme d'Or award for his movie "Anora." In the film, actress Mikey Madison plays a prostitute who gets entangled with the son of a wealthy Russian oligarch. Critics compare it to a contemporary remake of...
Calendar-SheetThe Cannes Film Festival concluded with US director Sean Baker receiving the Palme d'Or for his movie "Anora," which explores a connection between a prostitute and the son of a Russian oligarch. On Saturday night, Baker paid tribute to "every sex worker of the past, present, and future." The...
Calendar-SheetYour mailbox will be reminiscent of the French Revolution - La Poste introduces a "scratch and sniff" stamp in France. The best part? Rubbing the stamp gives off a scent of fresh baguettes!
EconomyTuned for a relaxing afternoon of coffee and cake... until disaster struck with a major impact.