
Swastikas defaced on campaign signs.

An unidentified person has vandalized two campaign posters for the European elections in Nordstemmen, defacing the images of Mr. Scholz and Ms. Baerbock with swastikas.

May 18, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimeVandalismLower SaxonyRegionalKI-OTSPolice
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Nordstemmen refers to a location in Germany. - Swastikas defaced on campaign signs.

On May 24th, a customer stumbled upon graffiti around 4 p.m. and reported it to the police. Police are not just looking into the property damage caused by the posters, but also into the potential use of symbols of unlawful groups.

Law enforcement urges people to engage in political debates within the confines of free speech and within the framework of the democratic system, without breaking any laws or targeting election advertisements. If anyone has information about the offender, they are asked to phone the Sarstedt police at 05066-9850.

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