
Surviving the Heat in Summer Vegas: A Guide

Did you disregard reason and plan your next Las Vegas visit during June to August? Perhaps you're the type who appreciates a dash of sunburn.

Jun 1, 2024
4 min read
AI renders a black Tesla bursting into flames from being parked in the sun atop a Las Vegas Strip...
AI renders a black Tesla bursting into flames from being parked in the sun atop a Las Vegas Strip casino parking garage.


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Surviving the Heat in Summer Vegas: A Guide

Are you disregarding rationality by planning your next vacation in Las Vegas between June and August?

There could be several reasons you're planning this trip. Perhaps you enjoy a bit of sunstroke, or perhaps you've read that the heat in Las Vegas is "dry," which makes it more comfortable.

No matter the reason, there are some rules you can follow to prevent your summer vacation in Vegas from becoming a disaster, especially those that reduce the risk of you accidentally dying.

Now, I'll tell you a little secret - what else is a dry heat?


1. Apply sunscreen every two hours.

Yes, you're intelligent enough to wear it in the first place. However, the sweat generated by a few hours in the Las Vegas heat can wash off your sun protection entirely, especially if you've swum in a pool or are using a thinner formula like zinc oxide.

2. Pack as many frozen plastic bottles of water as you can fit in a portable bag.

The ice will melt within an hour or two, but will provide refreshing, medically necessary, hydration for hours. (Note: only use plastic water bottles. Glass ones will shatter in the freezer.)

3. Never go more than 15 minutes without drinking water, even when you're not thirsty.

Dry hot air feels more comfortable than humid hot air because your sweat evaporates more quickly. However, this can lead to increased dehydration, especially if you drink alcohol like everyone knows you will.

4. Never fall asleep lying on a sun lounger by the pool.

Even the best sunscreen doesn't block 100% of the sun's harmful UV rays. And most people who are asleep find it difficult to drink water every 15 minutes.

5. Purchase a neck fan.

While it may not look cool, it will make you feel a lot better. The most efficient models - the ones that are more than just fans - can be found on Amazon for $150 and up.

These devices may seem gimmicky, but many actually work to cool the air directly around your neck.

Remember, your body's maximum temperature is 108°F. If you exceed this temperature, your brain will perish. And I mean it.

6. Constantly search for shady spots to give you some relief.

Only amateurs use the sidewalks on the west side of the Strip before noon, or the east side sidewalks after noon. At noon, there are no places to hide outdoors other than the trees in front of the Bellagio fountains.

7. Never, ever, walk on a hotel pool deck with bare feet.

Disobeying this rule, no matter how briefly, could result in second-degree burns to your feet from the scalding-hot deck.

Third-degree burns can be caused by surprisingly short exposure to heat of 160°F (71°C) or higher, or by prolonged contact with any temperature greater than 120°F (49°C).

8. Avoid touching outdoor escalator handrails.

They might look soft, secure, and appealing, but they're all black. Since black is the color that absorbs the most infrared radiation from the sun, they become excruciatingly hot.

9. Always park in the shade or within a parking structure, never on the structure's top floor outdoors.

Your car's interior can reach over 200 degrees if left in the Las Vegas sun for several hours. Not only will it be too hot to touch, but it could also melt your dashboard, potentially causing mechanical damage by melting rubber hoses and belts.

10. If you can't find an indoor spot to park, use separate windshield and steering-wheel shades.

Yes, they make steering-wheel shades, and Las Vegas in the summer is why.

11. Don't store soft drinks inside your car or its trunk.

Sodas in cans or plastic containers will always explode in a car exposed to the Las Vegas summer sun, leaving you with a sticky mess to clean up and less of them to help you cool down.

12. Wear long trousers - especially if you have a leather interior, and especially if that interior is black.

There aren't many feelings more agonizing than accidentally sitting down on a scorching-hot leather seat with your bare legs. On the bright side, however, if you're a guy who's ever considered a vasectomy, you might not need it after making this mistake.

A Las Vegas tourist enjoys the sun on the Planet Hollywood pool deck. Though this year’s figures aren’t in yet, Las Vegas is typically the No. 1 US travel destination for Memorial Day Weekend.
Take and use frozen water bottles and you will thank us because you won’t die.
The sun, the closest star to Earth, feels a lot closer in Las Vegas.
This advertisement for a neck air conditioner for some reason uses blue gas flames to represent its cooling effect.

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