
Supermarket purse theft: 79-year-old man robbed

Elderly shopper gets robbed at Edenkoben supermarket on Friday (10.05.2024): His wallet dipped from pocket with cash and identification cards in it.

May 11, 2024
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In Edenkoben: - Supermarket purse theft: 79-year-old man robbed

A thief likely brushed up against the victim near the exit and snatched his wallet. The victim didn't realize the theft had occurred until he got home.

Seniors are frequently targeted by thieves and swindlers, who view them as easy marks. Here are some tips for avoiding pickpockets, shared by the police:

Always keep cash, checks, credit cards, and papers in pocketed clothing that's close to your body and closed. Use a shoulder bag or purse with a front closure and secure it under your arm. Consider using a fanny pack, an inner belt pocket, a money belt, or a purse that's chained to your belt. Don't put purses on the tops of shopping bags, shopping baskets, or shopping carts, but carry them close to your body. Don't leave purses unattended on restaurant chairs, department store seats, or store chairs either.

For more advice on how to stay safe from thieves and scam artists, check out

This text follows official guidelines provided by authorities and was made with AI assistance. Informal

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