
Study Reveals Unhealthy Gambling Habits amongst Brits

UK Gamblers' Health Found Unhealthy in New Study by and Researcher Sam Marsden.

May 31, 2024
2 min read
Most UK slot players do not look like this, according to a new health survey on British gamblers.
Most UK slot players do not look like this, according to a new health survey on British gamblers.


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Study Reveals Unhealthy Gambling Habits amongst Brits

A study carried out by aimed to evaluate the overall health of British gamblers in relation to the general public. The conclusion drawn from this study was far from encouraging, suggesting that UK gamblers need to incorporate more physical activities into their lives and reduce alcohol consumption.

If you have often pondered upon the average body mass index (BMI) of British slot enthusiasts or questioned the drinking habits of online poker players, this examination is tailor-made for you. The researchers conducted a survey with 2,131 active UK gamblers, examining their health and lifestyle choices such as alcohol consumption and smoking. The results were quite concerning.

Apparently, slot enthusiasts top the list in terms of heaviest BMI with an average BMI of 31, which is considered not healthy and is actually classified as moderately obese, given that the average BMI in the UK is 27. To add to that, these slot players engage in the least amount of physical activity, with only 27% and 28% of slots and video poker players respectively stating that they meet the recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise. Video poker players followed closely with a BMI of 30. Roulette, blackjack, and craps players all recorded BMIs above the national average.

A Case of Extreme Lightness

At the opposite end of the scale, Pai Gow players emerged with an average GPI of 23, below the national average. This could potentially be attributed to the game's popularity among individuals of Chinese origin, who have lower obesity rates as a community as compared to people of European descent. However, the researchers caution that the results might have been influenced by the relatively small sample size in this category.

Somewhat unexpectedly, poker players, tied with baccarat players with the joint second-lowest BMI of 25, emerged as a group that mostly fared well. This is partly due to the sizeable number of respondents in this category, making it a reliable sample size. Poker players were also the second most physically active group, with half of them meeting the stipulated levels of exercise. While they may be slender, they tend to drink heavily, coming in second best in the drinking stakes following slots players. (They could be light because they get inebriated more quickly, maybe?)

Puffing Away

In summary, the survey concluded that casino-goers, irrespective of their game of choice, were marginally over four per cent more likely to smoke than the general public. Pai Gow players had the maximum number of smokers, with a staggering 46.2% identifying themselves as such. However, the results might be skewed due to the small sample size in this category. Baccarat came in second, with 25% of players admitting to smoking, possibly because they feel like James Bond, and slots players were third with 24% being smokers.

The study additionally looked at the preferred platform for casino gaming and found that those who primarily used their desktops were more likely to have higher BMI scores than those who also played in live casinos and on their mobiles.

So if you are an online slots player who mostly uses a desktop computer, you may want to consider quitting smoking and drinking and adopting yoga, among other healthy habits, before it's too late. After all, we have a few cocktails to catch up on.

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