
Six people were hurt in a crash on L 266.

An accident involving six people with minor injuries happened at 3:05 pm on the L266 road between Straßenhaus and Urbach on a Saturday.

May 19, 2024
1 min read
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Urbach's text needs to be paraphrased. Here's a possible version: Urbach's statement should be rephrased into new words. Maintain names if visible. Keep the sentence count low like before. Avoid introducing any self-messages. Paraphrase the given content: Urbach's remarks need to be rewritten using different expressions. Mirror the original text without revealing personal perspectives. - Six people were hurt in a crash on L 266.

A Seat driver was attempting to make a left turn when the driver behind them in an Opel failed to react in time, causing a collision with the side of the Seat. Both motorists were hurt in the accident, and their cars had to be towed from the scene.

This text is an unofficial rephrasing of the same information and was generated by me. [#]

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