The town of Hamminkeln is in focus. - Severe crash leaves three people hurt
Around 9:20 am, a 24-year-old guy driving from Sudlohn veered left off the road and crashed into a tree for some unknown reason. The car overturned and ended up on the road again.
The injured people were picked up by ambulance and taken to nearby hospitals. The driver and his 18-year-old friend from Sprockhovel had severe injuries, but the 21-year-old passenger from Voerde was released after receiving outpatient care.
The road to Voshoevel was shut down for accident investigators, vehicle retrieval, and clean-up efforts until midday. The traffic authorities are currently in charge of the investigation into the cause of the crash, which is still underway.
The story is a reworded version of an official government announcement. Written with the help of AI. #image
Note: Please ensure that the formatting is accurate and unchanged as in the input.
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