
Senior Citizen (80 years old) Falls Through Balcony, Passes Away

On Saturday evening, a tragic incident occurred when an elderly female (80 years old) unexpectedly fell through two balcony floors, resulting in her death.

May 27, 2024
1 min read
NewsBalconyNews domesticNymphenburgFire departmentFallMunichAccidentsPoliceMunich regional news
Durch diese beiden Balkonböden stürzte die 80-jährige Frau rund acht Meter in die Tiefe
Durch diese beiden Balkonböden stürzte die 80-jährige Frau rund acht Meter in die Tiefe


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Terrifying crash in Munich - Senior Citizen (80 years old) Falls Through Balcony, Passes Away

On a Saturday evening in Munich's Nymphenburg neighborhood, a woman in her 80s was standing on her second-floor balcony. All of a sudden, the floor crumbled underneath her, causing her to plummet through the air.

Incredibly, when the woman fell, she initially landed on the balcony of her neighbor! Tragically, her weight also caused the neighbor to collapse. Next, she hit the ground hard.

An alert neighbor heard the commotion and called for help. Unfortunately, the emergency responders arrived too late to save the elderly woman, who passed away on the scene due to her severe injuries.

The Munich Police Station 13, which handles domestic accidents, is now investigating the incident.

Die Balkone waren erst vor rund 10 Jahren mittels Stahlträgern nachträglich am Wohnhaus angebracht worden. Im zweiten Stock lebte das Todesopfer

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