
Romanian citizen faces fine instead of jail time for a crime (46 years old)

On Wednesday night, a 46-year-old Romanian fugitive, wanted by a warrant since August 2022, was apprehended at Hamburg Airport.

May 30, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimePoliceKI-OTSHamburg regional newsHamburg
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Airfield - Romanian citizen faces fine instead of jail time for a crime (46 years old)

A man flew in from Chisinau and went through border control, facing scrutiny from Federal Police officers. These checks turned up a warrant out for his arrest from the Heilbronn public prosecutor's office. The warrant held a 46-year-old man responsible for using fake license plates. He was supposed to either pay 40 fines of 25 euros each or serve 40 days in prison, along with paying 77 euros in legal fees. After paying the 1077 euros, the Romanian was allowed to go free from police custody.

This narrative is an adaptation of an authentic government report; AI aided in its creation.

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