
Robbery at a bicycle shop: Eight pedelecs taken

Wednesday night to early Thursday, unknown individuals broke into a Kürten bicycle shop and made off with eight top-tier pedelecs.

May 24, 2024
1 min read
NewsTheftKI-OTSRegionalCrimeNorth Rhine-WestphaliaPolice
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On Thursday (23.05.), a store owner found out that their business was broken into. Burglars entered the salesroom and snatched some pricey pedelecs, with their worth estimated in the thousands of euros.The cops were notified and wrote up a detailed criminal report. Scenes of crimes were analyzed, and wanted posters were put up around town for the stolen bikes.The Criminal Investigation Department 2 at Rhein-Berg's police station encourages anyone with information to reach out to them - their number is 02202 205-0.

Note: This information is from the authorities and was crafted with assistance from a machine learning algorithm.

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