
Protesters display optimism concerning the OVG's decision.

Activists at the protest camp outside the Tesla factory in Grünheide are hopeful about the impending verdict from the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court (OVG) concerning the rules for their demonstration. A representative of the "Stop Tesla" campaign stated on Thursday, "We expect...

May 3, 2024
1 min read
NewsPoliceThe companyProtest campBerlinCardemonstrationsBrandenburgConfidenceTesla FactoryHigh Administrative CourtElectricGreen heathAdministrative court
Activists from the "Stop Tesla" initiative.
Activists from the "Stop Tesla" initiative.


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Elon Musk's electric car company, Tesla, experiences rapid growth in sales and expansion. - Protesters display optimism concerning the OVG's decision.

The protesters at the Tesla factory in Grünheide are optimistic regarding the upcoming verdict by the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court (OVG) concerning the rules for their demonstration. "We think the court will align with the view of the administrative court," stated a representative for the "Stop Tesla" movement.

In the past, the administrative court had reversed the law enforcement's terms and conditions for the demonstration zone by the factory. The court based its decision on the sentiment that the rationale behind the rules had not been adequately justified and that the protest's need for security was disregarded. The police had filed an appeal against this with the OVG. A judgement is now imminent. The police previously requested that the activists remove the tree houses for safety concerns.

The spokeswoman remarked that "not much new has been added" to the justification for the regulations recently submitted to the OVG. Given the current legal proceedings, she declined to comment on the specifics. Yet, the recent statements from the assembly authorities are more comprehensive and thorough.

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Source: www.stern.de


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