
Pro-Israeli protesters seek to prolong their occupation of Berlin's university.

By Thursday morning, it became evident that those harboring anti-Semitic sentiments would likely not adhere to their initial plan. A spokesperson announced their intention to take over spaces at Berlin's Humboldt University until their conditions are satisfied.

May 23, 2024
4 min read
NewsBerlin regional news
"Welcome table" in the cordoned-off backyard: the squatters want to stay in the university until...
"Welcome table" in the cordoned-off backyard: the squatters want to stay in the university until their demands are met


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The Shame of Humboldt - Pro-Israeli protesters seek to prolong their occupation of Berlin's university.

Israel detractors have taken over Berlin's Humboldt University. They have been in the rooms since Wednesday afternoon and are scheduled to stay there until 6 p.m. on Thursday evening – according to a strange agreement with the university president.

The doors of the Faculty of Social Sciences, which has been occupied since Wednesday evening, are locked. Activists have set up a "welcome table" in a courtyard that is enclosed by bars.

People wearing Palestinian scarves stroll around, one wearing a T-shirt with the words "Yalla Intifada" on it. Others have chains with a map of modern-day Israel, which signifies: This is all meant to be Palestine.

The occupiers appear to be planning to rename the faculty "Jabalia Faculty," named after a location in northern Gaza. A large banner has been made for this purpose.

HU President Julia von Blumenthal goes to the gate, talks to the squatters, shows them a photo of a red Hamas triangle, which the terrorists use to mark their targets, and inquires what this is all about.

Windows of the university were covered with a Palestine flag and notes

She then informs a student who wants to enter: "We have said that regular empty activities will not happen. We'll put up with it until 6 p.m. today, then we'll see what happens."

The student exits after a short time and says: "There's an aggressive atmosphere inside. They're smearing everything with 'free palestine'."

In the afternoon, during a planned discussion event, they wanted to negotiate with the university administration about prolonging the occupation, explained a self-appointed spokesperson.

According to university spokesperson Christiane Rosenbach, the occupation will be tolerated until 6 p.m. She couldn't say what the next steps would be: "It's a fluid situation."

A banner in the university courtyard

The crazy demands of the occupiers

In a statement, the occupiers of the group known as Student Coalition Berlin accuse Israel of "genocide" and "ongoing mass murders." It's about "unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian people." The Hamas terrorists who are murdering and entrenching themselves in the Gaza Strip? Not a problem...

Among other things, they're calling on Berlin universities to campaign for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire with Israel and to exert pressure on the German government to end an arms embargo against Israel and all aid to Israel.

The Occupied Rooms

HU President Julia von Blumenthal tolerates the occupation for the time being

The Israel-haters camped out at Berlin's Humboldt University on Wednesday to protest against Israel and support the Palestinians. Around 320 people had gathered for the unannounced rally. Activists also occupied rooms at the university in protest against Israel and in support of the Palestinians.

According to the police, chants related to Palestine were shouted, some with illegal content. Flyers were thrown out of the open windows, and a banner was hung up.

Finally, the Berlin police cleared Universitätsstraße. In the process, 23 blockaders were briefly detained to establish their identity. The police announced on Thursday that 18 men and five women were involved.

The police's assessment of the operation in the evening: "During the police measures, 23 people – 18 men and five women – were briefly deprived of their liberty to establish their identity."

Israel-haters had entered the university building via a side entrance

25 criminal investigations were initiated, including for the use of signs of unconstitutional organizations, damage to property, and resisting law enforcement officers. "One officer was hurt during the operation, but remained on duty," a police spokeswoman said.

However, some of the Israel-haters remained in the building – and reached a deal with the university president. According to the occupiers' spokeswoman, approximately 100 people from various Berlin universities spent the night there.

The Middle East conflict has reached German universities. There are repeated protests by Israel-haters and campaigns for solidarity with the Palestinians. An occupation at the Free University of Berlin a few weeks ago was broken up by the police.

This is what the Senator for Science has to say

A policeman pushes one of the squatters away

The occupation was discussed in the House of Representatives on Thursday. Science Senator Ina Czyborra (57, SPD) reacted angrily to a question from the AfD: "First of all, I reject the idea that any students protesting for peace or for other political demands in this city are a mob."

Anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred are being consistently fought against. "I think it's absolutely necessary in a democracy to address political demands."

However, the demand that all charges in connection with the occupation of Freie Universität should not be pursued is unacceptable, according to the senator. "Because, there too, it was about anti-Semitic incitement to hatred, but also about assault."

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